Highlights of Past Trips
Adirondack Museum at Blue Mountain Lake
Great Camp Santanoni
The Task Force took a trip to Great Camp Santanoni in August 2022. this is a very popular excursion, with over a dozen people signing up. We took 3 vehicles and caravanned up to the Camp Santanoni Historic Area, which is a very unique location in the Adirondack Forest Preserve. It is considered one of the most sophisticated and distinguished of all of the surviving great camps in the Adirondacks. This National Historic Landmark was created in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. serving as a place to entertain guests and find refuge from city life. Everyone enjoyed a 5-mile wagon ride along the carriage road through the Santanoni Preserve. There are no restaurants there, so everyone brought a bag lunch to eat on the decks of the Great Camp. There is a mini exhibit at the Gatehouse entrance, and we also explored the buildings at the Farm Complex on the way to the main lodge. Once there, we walked through all the rooms, and examined the unique architecture of the Camp. The surrounding grounds, flowers, and artist building were worth a good look also. Below are some pictures showing some of the stonework, the boat house, the wagon ride, a masive fireplace and some unique birch bark wallpaper.